Call for abstract Education heritage mediterranean space

Call for abstracts: Education, cultural heritages and the Mediterranean space

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Call for abstracts

Session: Education, cultural heritages and the Mediterranean space. History and creative processes of intergenerational transmission



  • Teaching and learning on cultural heritages;
  • Mediterranean scape;
  • History and education;
  • Education and local communities

In recent years, Mediterranean landscapes have been hit by a strong wave of changes that has affected the international debate on cultural heritages and the sphere of policies. In addition to the opening of the concept of cultural heritage towards immaterial and intangible resources, international Conventions have moved the perspective on cultural heritage from a monumental and conservative vision to a participatory approach emphasizing the role of local communities and education in the processes of identification and safeguard of heritage, especially when they have an intangible and cultural dimension.

Considering this scenario, Mediterranean landscapes is opening up to new and unprecedented forms of dialogue between the two shores on the basis of projects to safeguard and enhance heritage. Schools are becoming a pivotal context to enhance safeguarding, cultural promotion and community cohesion, along various processes of consolidation of new awareness. Central to the dialogue within and among schools, it is the role of local museums, eco-museums, anthropological museums, diffused museums and other forms of cultural initiatives. No less important is the challenge that concerns pedagogy and teaching methodologies aimed at developing knowledge, cultural memories and other multiple forms for promoting local heritage.

New active and mobilizing subjects such as associations, ONGs, local entities are increasingly cooperating with schools for implementing programmes, projects and initiatives in order to raise the attention and to involve citizens in the practices to invest in cultural heritage.

Many schools around the Mediterranean basin have been developing projects to encourage young people to become involved in heritage conservation on a local as well as on a global level, to promote awareness among young people of tangible and intangible cultural heritage and a better understanding of the interdependence of cultures; to develop new and effective educational approaches, methods and materials to introduce/reinforce world heritage education in the curricula.

Researchers, academicians, educators, policy makers and other stakeholders are welcome to submit their original research papers to this Session which brings the disciplines towards a more integrated set of alliances between heritage and education and claims to be a podium for raising voice to overcome geographical and cultural barriers while exercising emerging ways to identify the challenges in the context by joining studies, gathering together and networking. The session aims at establishing a shared conceptual understanding of the interface between tangible and intangible cultural heritage and education as well as at sharing previous and ongoing concrete experiences relevant for integrating tangible and intangible cultural heritage in education. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

  • Education goals of teaching cultural heritages
  • Citizenship, school curricula and cultural heritages
  • New heritage communities in the safeguard of cultural, tangible and intangible heritage
  • The role of museums, community eco-museums and local associations in relation to education
  • Teaching and learning Mediterranean cultural heritages in different national and local educational systems
  • Opportunity and constraints in national educational policies toward art, history and culture from Mediterranean sites
  • Discovering and promoting new intangible heritage located among Mediterranean sites
  • Culture heritage and the promotion of cultural diversity and of intercultural dialogue among Mediterranean cities
  • The role of cultural and urban history in the implementation of educational curricula
  • Visual and digital tools for teaching and learning about cultural and historical heritages
  • Socialization and reproduction of intangible heritages

Abstracts deadline submission: 28 February 2019

Abstract must not exceed 600 words

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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Delphine Cavallo (15 novembre 2018). Call for abstracts: Education, cultural heritages and the Mediterranean space. MediterraPolis. Consulté le 5 octobre 2024 à l’adresse

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